What Is Tabata?

Tabata training is an exercise regimen that was based on the study of Prof. Izumi Tabata of the Ritsumeikan University's Sports, Health and Science Department. He was formerly a researcher of the National Institute for Health and Nutrition in Japan. This training regimen, consists of twenty (20) seconds of ultra intensive exercises, and ten (10) seconds of rest. This is repeated continuously for four (4) minutes and repeated eight (8) times or in eight (8) cycles. This was called the IE1 Protocol and was used originally to study athletes who underwent training regimens.
In the original research, two groups of athletes were observed. One group trained in moderate intensity workouts of about seventy percent (70%)intensity, for five (5) days during a six (6) week period. Each training module lasted for one (1) hour each day. The other group, trained in high intensity workouts for four (4) days per week, for a period of six (6) weeks. Each session lasted for four (4) minutes, at twenty second of high intensity training (170% intensity) and ten (10) seconds of rest.
The result showed the following:
* Group 1 showed remarkable increase in the cardiovascular area (aerobic system); but no result was observed for the anaerobic system or the muscle area.
* Group 2 showed significant increase in both aerobic and anaerobic areas as compared to Group 1.
The Tabata Protocol
Dr. Izumi Tabata is well known for his studies and research on high intensity intermittent training. His past work included, as Training Coach for the Speed Skating Team of Japan. The Head Coach, Mr. Irisawa Kotchi, developed a training program using short bursts of high intensity exercises; followed by short rest periods for the athletes to do. Dr. Tabata was made to analyze the effectiveness of said training regimen, which lead to what is now known as Tabata Protocol.
The regimen includes exercises that can be completed in only four (4) minutes. If the eight (8) cycles are completed, it would be enough to make a fit person exhausted from all the extreme exercises. Before this program came about, there were two (2) types of exercises that were incorporated into the athletes' exercise program - low intensity exercises for long periods to increase endurance, and; sprinting, that improves the ability to sprint. The latter, had shown to have no effects on endurance and aerobics. Tabata Protocol, meshed the two programs together, for better workout results.
Aerobic and Metabolic Benefits of Tabata
The use of high intensity and high impact exercises, have been shown to improve the performance of athletes. For well trained athletes, increasing the frequency of training, would not yield further improvements. Endurance can be achieve through high intensity training programs. This training regimen had been shown to burn fat more effectively. This may be attributable to the increase in resting metabolic rates. High intensity training also lowers insulin resistance levels, leading to muscle fat oxidation and improvement in glucose tolerance.
Studies have shown that high impact exercises helps improve the insulin level in young healthy men and women as well. It also brings about significant reduction in body fat, as well as leg and trunk fat. This would equate to having these exercises as viable methods for preventing Type 2 diabetes. On cardiovascular diseases, it has been shown that brief intense exercises, can improve the cardio-vascular risk in adolescents and adults alike.
Tabata Interval Workout
The Tabata system may be defined as a method of exercise consisting of intervals that are completed within four (4) minutes. It takes eight (8) rounds of exercises of twenty (20) seconds each, and ten (10) seconds of rest.
This was brought about by the research of Dr. Isuzu Tabata on the effect of exercise protocols in athlete performance. The group discovered a method that produced extra-ordinary results. This method is what is now known as Tabata Protocol/Intervals.
In 1996, Dr. Tabata submitted a research study in the Medical Gazette for Medicine of Science in Sports and Exercise. This was a documentation of the benefits of high intensity intermittent training (HIIT). This research was repeated numerous times. The conclusion was that, four (4) minutes of Tabata Training interval exercises, is better in boosting aerobic and anaerobic capacities, as compared to one hour of endurance exercises.
The Tabata Interval Training workout can be done with all kinds of exercises: boxing, cycling, jumping rope, rowing, running, skiing, and swimming among many others. There is also a variety of equipment that can be used in training: bosu balls, barbells, dumb bells, kettle and swiss balls, own body weight, tubes, and bands and so on.
A Tabata Workout may include the following exercise regimen:
1. Bicycle sprints - good for lower body exercise and for the heart rate
2. Hindu squats - like a traditional squat where you drop your butt until your hands reach the ground
3. Jump lunges - jump using alternate legs to lunge and level up difficulty for cardio factor
4. Jumping rope - can be used with varying feet patterns: high knees, feet together, alternating feet, and others
5. Box jumps - stand and jump in front to the top of the bench then back to the floor
6. Weight bench hop overs - keep both hands at the end of a flat bench; both feet should hop from side to side
7. Mountain climbers - make a triangle with hands and feet; bring one leg to your chest while keeping your hands to the ground. Then switch legs and so on.
Why use the Tabata Exercises?
The Tabata Workout, might be considered as one of the best single fat burning workout, when followed and done appropriately. It does not take long to do it, but it keeps you sweating, breathing, and concentrating just to be able to finish your goal. It is an extreme work-up, with agonizing bouts of muscle pains, soreness and days of uncomfortable movements.
This type of routine is beneficial because it includes a number of exercises per body part. Besides burning tons of fat, this type of training can:
* improve your aerobic endurance
* improve anaerobic functions
* improve muscular endurance, and
* make you look fantastic, by being strong and fit.
For more information regarding Tabata Training and it's benefits please visit http://tabatatrainingmethod.com

5 Easy Health and Fitness Tips

Getting started with a lifestyle of health and fitness is not really the hard demanding task that anyone usually believe it is. When you really think about this, the difficult element is often the beginning. Later on, the rest will likely be a lot easier after you really get the hang of it. All it takes is self-control along with responsibility.Below are 5 easy health and fitness tips on how to get a head start on your route to superior health and fitness.Read every one and you'll realize that it is actually easier than you maybe thought it would be. You only need to take the initial few simple steps.
Health and fitness tips #1: Start small.
When your preferred food is something you have to steer clear of, there isn't any meaning in leaving it out if you just binge when you can't take the abstinence any more. Take moderate actions. If you consume the meal each day try and cut down on your consumption and make it just 3 times weekly. When you have managed that, decrease further and make it once every seven days. Doing this, you can still take pleasure in the foods but not build up your longing for these.
Health and fitness tips #2: Plan reasonably.
Establish goals for yourself. But it does not necessarily imply that you will need to kill yourself to get it so when you don't you'll also kill yourself. Establishing too high goals will usually only bring about failure and frustration. While you prepare, be sure that you is able to do it. How will you know? Remain realistic. You know what you are capable of. It is far better setting goals for yourself that you know you can apply. Achieving them gives you a feeling of achievement which will make you more self-confident and much more happy to continue with your task.
Health and fitness tips #3: Use a friend.
Sharing the pains and aches along with the pleasures of achievements with a buddy may help make the program easier plus more tolerable. In reality, those with a companion are better suited to stick to their plans than those who will be undertaking the projects on their own. Simply because if you have a friend with you, he / she provides an assistance system that can help keep you on course which will help prevent you from abandoning. In addition to having a buddy along with you encountering the same struggles definitely makes the process more fun and much more enjoyable.
Health and fitness tips #4: Have self-discipline.
This really is one of the few issues that can make or shatter your intends to finally live a healthful lifestyle. As a way to really stick to the plan, you should develop self-discipline especially when it involves things which you eagerly want to accomplish or stuff that you are used to doing. Temptations in the process will be many and you need to be willing to face all of that!
Health and fitness tips #5: Practice it for your self.
Many men and women set out to live a life of health and fitness in hope of getting noticed by other people. Even though this is a valid reason, at times, it's not sufficient to see you through the full process. It is better that you just do this for yourself simply because you want a healthier and better you compared to do it for other people's acceptance. After all, the only real acceptance that you ever need to have is your own.Kasper V. Christensen is the founder of Fortius Fitness Body Transformation.
http://www.fortiusfitness.com specializes in teaching men and woman how to build a strong, (very) lean and toned or muscular body with the look that is perfect for YOU - the natural way!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6127194

Lose Weight to Upgrade the Quality of Living

Your desire to live a healthy life cannot be fulfilled without losing excess weight. Therefore, it is vital for all obese and overweight to slim themselves down. The process of losing weight is simple, but it sometimes turns out to be a difficult one due to the modern lifestyle. The lifestyle we follow today has no place for exercises, household chores and outdoor activities. Moreover, the food we used to consume a few years back has been replaced by fast or junk food. This change in lifestyle is counted among the biggest reasons of increasing cases of obesity.
There are a number of weight loss clinics that extend assistance for helping you shed weight within a specific time period. These clinics prescribe medicines, recommend exercises and put you on a strict diet, so that you can bid adieu to obesity. Moreover, they suggest a number of methods to maintain weight for a long period of time.
Those who do not want to go to medical weight loss centers can try the below mentioned tips:
• Physical activities: Though it is proved that physical activities can burn calories, most of you overlook their importance. These activities not only make you slim, but also improve the flexibility of your body.
• Make good use of weekends: It is seen that people spend their weekends lying in front of the television. Instead of watching television for whole day, plan an outing to a nearby tourist attraction. Since outing is all about walking, it can be very useful in shedding weight.
• Say no to public and private transport: No, we are not saying that you should not use public or private transport for commuting. What we are trying to say is that you must prefer walking over using cars while going towards a market or any other place that is in the vicinity.
• Do not ignore tempting food completely: If you start ignoring tempting food like chocolates and cakes completely, you might end up consuming more than enough some day. You can have a bite or two of your favorite chocolate once in a while.
• Avoid skipping meals: It is a misconception that skipping meals helps in fast weight loss. Thus, you must consume right amount of healthy food in breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Weight loss has many advantages, such as enhanced stamina, slim body and increased mobility. Once you achieve your weight loss goal, you will be amazed to notice that your quality of life is upgrading.
Gaurav Mahajan is a writer of California Medical Weight Management (CalMWM), which specializes in medical weight loss. For healthy weight loss, it has introduced a three-step weight loss program has transformed the life of many.

3 Secrets to Burn Fat in 2013

Burning fat is something some of us struggle with throughout our life. There are a lot of myths about the best ways to burn fat and lose weight. People are starting to realize that the so called "fad diets" really do nothing to help you lose weight and keep it off. The trick to successful weight loss is to know the best way for you to burn fat.
While the typical mindset behind losing weight is that you want to cut foods out of your diet that are high in fat, the truth is that if you eat food with a high fat content only once a week you will actually be helping yourself lose body fat. Health experts say that food is the best medicine for your metabolism.
One secret to burning fat is to eat according to your age. When you reach the age of 20, your metabolism changes. This means you need to change the types of foods you eat. The food that you ate when you were under 20 years old had a different effect on your body than the foods you eat once you hit your 20th year. The same amount of food you could get away with eating before will now cause you to gain weight rather than lose it.
Be sure to avoid generic diet plans because they are ineffective due to the fact that everyone's body and metabolism are different. What may help some people lose weight may cause you to gain weight. A customized weight loss plan is the only way for you to successfully gain the body you want.
The final secret is to know which types of food you need to avoid. Everyone knows about the need to avoid high carbohydrate diet, or in other words, such food as cakes and white bread. The minority of people understand that the whole grains are not healthy for our weight loss program. Soy products like soy milk and soy protein are marketed to us as healthy. In fact, soy products contain compounds that can cause our belly fat to grow bigger. On the other hand, such simple products like eggs, tuna fish and nuts being an excellent source of protein can help our body to burn more fat.
It is not easy to achieve the goal of weight loss and to get a slim body. Yet, without knowing the simple principles the task can be even harder.
To learn more how to lose weight visit http://fat-burn-tips.info

Look Good, Feel Better And Be The Best - Advantages Of Sleeve Gastrectomy

In the advent of increasing numbers of people suffering from lifestyle diseases associated with weight, health experts are running campaigns on weight loss as a preventive measure to some of the life threatening diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Many have joined fitness centers and others opt to enroll in weight loss programs, all in a bid to lose weight. For some however, even diet pills have proven ineffective. This is where surgical measures such as sleeve gastrectomy are applied.
What is sleeve gastrectomy?
This surgical weight loss procedure ensures that you limit your food intake, because you feel fuller much faster. With this restrictive surgery, a vertical gastric sleeve is created in the stomach, while the rest of it is removed. This leaves you with a banana-size stomach pocket. This procedure has exuded good reviews, since people who have undergone it have shown significant weight loss, coupled with various health improvements.
Benefits of the procedure
With the various weight loss surgeries, the quality of life and health are what many speak of enjoying, together, of course with a new look which is brought about by the weight loss. This procedure carries with it benefits, among which include:
· Short hospital stays - Laparoscopic technique is mainly used to perform sleeve gastrectomy surgery. This means that the procedure is short, and you will have a short stay at the hospital. You will also experience less pain, as the scars you will get from the surgery done with laparoscopic technique, are smaller. This also facilitates faster healing and recovery, as compares to what would be the case in open surgeries.
· Saving on cash - Sleeve gastrectomy saves you some money. Weight related diseases are usually costly to treat. High cholesterol and type 2 diabetes will cost you money, as they require drugs and doctors' visits to manage them. Having this surgery will only require a onetime cost, and the rest is just an effort to maintain the new look.
· Reduced cravings - Clinical studies have shown that with a gastric sleeve, the craving for sweets drops by a long shot. Also, there is noted a reduction in the level of ghrelin, a hormone which regulates hunger.
· Improved quality of life - Many consider bariatric surgeries such as gastric sleeve surgeries as a ticket to a second lease of life. The patients have acquired high self-esteem, most willing to have more time to do physical activities. These patients later on become more productive, since they feel better to work hard and improve on their economic opportunities.
Get the latest and the best sources of info about gastric sleeve and sleeve gastrectomy by visiting the links provided.

Medicine and Technology In The Fight Against Weight

There is mounting pressure for many to lose weight, as it is a requirement in many career fields. The increase of lifestyle diseases that are mainly caused by being overweight has seen the rise of many fitness centers, which take it upon themselves to work with people willing to meet the solution or escape route from these diseases. However, for the already overweight or obese individuals, the gym proves less effective to them.
The easy way out
Thanks to modern medicine, bariatric surgery has become the resolution for this group of people as it offers to help them shed off the excess fat, from different places in the body, depending on the expectations of the individual. This surgery includes various procedures performed on the client, which include sleeve gastrectomy, which involves the reduction of the stomach size using a gastric band, or alternatively cutting out a portion from the stomach. At times, gastric bypass surgery is part of this procedure.
Normally, the advice given to obese person would be to take a low carbohydrate diet and incorporate activities that will ensure body movement throughout the day. Experts today will recommend bariatric surgery, which will be conducted upon the consent of the patient.
Bariatric surgeryis irreversible. This would be the main reason as to why the patient has to be sure before having it done on him/her. As much as it is a short cut through weight loss, it comes with responsibility, as the patient has to be committed to maintain the newly acquired body size with proper diet and exercise.
What does one stand to gain from this surgery?
This surgical procedure goes to help the patient shed off some weight. This is its primary advantage as one gets to rid him/herself of the unwanted body weight. Many would go for this procedure for health reasons, and they will realize success after. This is because the risks of contracting weight related illnesses such as diabetes, arthritis, hypertension or even sleep apnea are reduced.
Once the weight goes one feels lighter to do things he/she was not able to do before. Life becomes simpler for them compares to before the bariatric surgery. Having the surgery will also boost one's self esteem, pushing one to becoming a better person even in society.
What to do after the surgery
Usually one would think surgery puts a full stop to all the weight problems. One stands a great chance of gaining back all the weight even after the surgery. Therefore, it is important to get proper diet from a good nutritionist to enable you to maintain the weight at a certain body mass index.
We can provide you with the best information concerning bsig and bariatric surgery information guide. Follow us on these links and be assisted.

Cut Out the Soda Drinks When Losing Weight

When planning on losing weight, it is important to decrease the consumption of soft and carbonated drinks. Soda is a major cause of obesity and reducing its consumption is the best starting move for an effective weight loss plan. Many drinks today contain soda. These are commonly consumed by children, teenagers and adults. Many people are addicted to these drinks and consume them on a daily basis. This is very harmful and extremely detrimental for the weight loss process.
The harmful effects of soda:
Soda is very high in calories and has minimal nutritional value. Excessive consumption leads to various problems. It causes obesity and diabetes as it contains high amounts of sugar. It also leads to the decay of teeth fast and weakened bones. This occurs because it is linked to the depletion of vitamin A and calcium. It has also been reported that the body is unable to retain calcium for 40 days after soda consumption. It makes losing weight more difficult when the level of consumption is high. This is because it affects the taste buds and creates craving for sugar in the body.
It has been estimated, through research, that two cans of soda each day adds about 5 to 10 pounds on an individual in a year, depending on the body size, age, and habits of the person. People often consume soda to ease an upset stomach. This only works for a short while. Carbonation actually binds fat cells which results in slowing down of fat loss.
Furthermore, consuming a carbonated drink is basically drinking air. By ingesting air the gastrointestinal tract inflates. This slows down the digestion process in the body, slowing down the process of weight loss.
Initially, it might be very difficult to give up on soft drinks or soda. Many people might even switch to diet soda as an alternative of the regular one when trying to lose weight. However, the harm caused by diet soda is no less than what normal soda causes. Some amount of sugar may be reduced when manufacturing diet soda, but carbonation is still present in the manufacturing process.
Water is a great substitute for all drinks. However if people want they can switch to juices but these should be fresh juices, not processed ones. Moreover, consumption of fruits should be increased in order to regain all the nutrients lost through the consumption of soda.
Get more secrets and tips at www.trenchdoc.com